domenica 17 maggio 2009

Chapter 5 All together in Venice

The week after, they left. On that day, Rottbarth got up very calm and he went into Iseult’s room to see her, but, when he arrived, she wasn’t there. He ran to Remigius to ask where Iseult was. The magician replied that she had left very early in the morning with Tristam. Rottbarth was furious and he decided to leave to Venice and said to Remigius:

“Pack my and your suitcases! Hurry up!” .

Remigius didn’t want to leave, but he followed the orders, because he didn’t want that Rottbarth punished him. In this way, few hours later, Tristam and Iseult, Remigius and Rottbarth and their retinues went to Venice. Rottbarth had sent a letter to Lord Tower and he had written on it:

I’m going to arrive with Remigius at your palace, because I know you’re giving hospitality to Iseult and her retinue, tomorrow.


Rottbarth Karkaroff

The journey was very long and during it Remigius and Rottbarth invented a new plan.

On the 3rd of February all people arrived in Venice at 9.00 . Tristam led Iseult to the Lord’s palace, kissed her and he said:

“I’m going in the forest for the appointment with the Lord. Stay in the palace and don’t go out without guards. You are a young girl and you are very beautiful, so the thieves could harm you!”.

After that, he went into the forest and he left Iseult alone.

In the meantime Rottbarth entered in the palace and he went into his room, while Remigius was preparing all things to kill Tristam. Few minutes after Rottbarth was walking in the forest where Tristam was, to spy on him. He was wearing a feminine dress and he was taking a wig with long brown hair, because he didn’t want that Tristam recognized him. He was turning around a tree when he became pale and stammered:


a voice exclaimed: “Trick or treat?”.

It was Tristam’s voice.

“Treat!... No…Tristam!” Rottbarth replied. Tristam said:

“Yes, it’s my name!”

and Rottbarth “I know!”, so Tristam exlclaimed

“Wonderful! And…who are you?”,

Rottbarth answered: “Rottbarth!”.

Then Tristam, while he was laughing, stammered:


and Rottbarth said: “Romeo and Juliet!”,

Tristam was perplexed and he replied:

“No, I said Rottbarth. I don’t believe you! You aren’t Rottbarth! He’s a boy, no a girl!”.

Rottbarth, furious, threw on the earth the wig and tore the dress, so Tristam continued to laugh and he couldn’t stop. In the meantime, at the Lord’s residence, Iseult met Lord John Tower and she asked him:

“Lord, you sent a letter to Tristam to invite him here and you wrote that he had to go in the forest to meet you, why aren’t you there?”,

the Lord, surprised, answered:

“But.. I didn’t send a letter to Tristam. You, my princess, sent a letter to me for coming here!”.

Iseult was worried and asked:

“Is it true?”,

“Yes, my princess!”

replied the Lord sure. In meantime, Iseult heard Remigius’ voice, he was saying:

“Oh my God. I hate Rottbarth! “Remigius come here!”, “Remigius go there!”, “Remigius do that!”, “Remigius hurry up!”, Remigius, Remigius and Remigius, but who am I? I’m only a man, a poor man. I can’t do everything. He must do something alone!”.

Chapter 4 A plan to kill Tristam

The day after, Remigius got up very early and went into his laboratory to find out a way to kill Tristam. He was reading a book about poisoned potions, when he thought that the best way to kill Tristam was to send him in a mission. But he needed someone who invented a particular mission, so he sent a servant to call Rottbarth. Rottbarth arrived and asked the cause of the call. Remigius explained:

“We could send Tristam to a mission and, during it, he could be killed!”,

“But we aren’t sure that he’ll die during the mission!”

the knight replied.

Oh, my sir! You shall send him to a mission in a very far place and I’ll prepare a potion which kills him. So, while he’s in that place, I’ll put the potion in his glass and when he drinks it, he’ll die!”.

Rottbarth was very happy and he thought that the best place, where to send Tristam, could be Venice. He ran into his room, took paper and inkpot and he started to write:

Lord John Tower of Liverpool asks Tristam of London for a help. The Lord wants the knight to come to Venice in his winter residence and to do a service for him. The Lord can’t tell more, but he waits for Tristam in the forest near Venice on the 3rd of February at 10.00.


Lord John Tower.

When he finished, he took the coat of arms of Lord John Tower and he signed the letter.

Oh, I forgot, Rottbarth was the son of Lord Tower’s cousin, so he could have his coat of arms!

He sent the letter to Tristam and then he relaxed. On the same day, Tristam received the letter, while he was with Iseult. She was very happy when he read the letter: Iseult had wanted to go to Venice for many years, but Tristam stopped her happiness, because he said:

“You can’t come with me, it could be dangerous for you! It’s better you stay at home!”.

Iseult replied fast:

“I’ll go with my retinue and guards; you mustn’t worry for me! You know that I can’t bear staying without you! Oh, Tristam, don’t be bad, you are so kind! And…Venice is such a wonderful place!”.

All day she continued to ask Tristam to go with him and, at night, the knight couldn’t stand any more her words, so he accepted to take her with him.

Chapter 3 “I can’t stand Tristam!”

In the same kingdom a very handsome man, Rottbarth Karkaroff, lived.

He was a knight, a very skilful knight, but he was very cruel and he thought only of himself and… he sometimes was crazy. He loved secretly Iseult and he hated Tristam very much.

One day he was walking in his castle, when he heard Iseult’s voice. His heart started to beat very strong.

“What a fantastic melody!” he thought.

Then he decided to see where Iseult was. He followed her voice and he arrived near a room on the third floor. He wanted to spy on the princess and he opened the door a little, in silence. He had a glance in the room and…he was surprised, because Tristam and Iseult were together near the window. They were talking and the girl was smiling sweetly.

She was beautiful.

Her blond hair was moved by the wind and her perfume was spread in the air.

Tristam was touching her hair slowly…

“It’s unbearable!” Rottbarth shouted in his mind and he slammed the door and went away. Iseult and Tristam turned their heads to the door, but there was nobody, Iseult was scared, so Tristam said:

“Don’t worry! It might be the wind!”,

Iseult replied: “But…. If it were a ghost?”,

Tristam couldn’t keep back himself and he started to laugh:

“A ghost?”, he said,

“But ghosts are only imagination!”.

In the meantime Rottbarth was running to Remigius. Remigius Maleficus was a very…hmm.. very interesting magician or maybe, it is more correct to say that he believed to be a magician, but he wasn’t very able. Rottbarth went into the magician’s room, while Remigius was analysing a light yellow potion with incredulity and he was saying with a very low voice: “But…hmmm. It must be blue! So… what was I wrong about?”. Rottbarth saw the magician and he slammed the door with so much violence that Remigius slumped and he turned to the door very slowly,

while he asked: “Who…who… who are you?”.

“That’s me! Stupid!”the knight shouted.

“Oh my sir, my strong, big, magnificent, handsome sir. What can I do for you? I’m your humble servant and I’ll do whatever you want”

Remigius replied very fast.

Rottbarth, distructed by Remigius’ behaviour, said:

“I don’t know!... No… I forgot …Tristam…you must kill him now! Be quick!” .

Remigius replied “Ok, my sir. I’ll try to kill him. It isn’t a problem for me!”. “I’ll try…I’ll try…you said I’ll try…but what do you think? It isn’t a joke, this is the real human life and you,…you must be a good magician and I don’t want to listen “I can’t”, because if it happens, I’ll kill you with my hands! Shall I say more?”,

“No, my sir!” the magician said.

Chapter 2 “ The beginning of the love story”

At the sunrise Iseult woke up very fast and she ran in to the garden. She saw Tristam sitting in the grass. Iseult sat

near him, and she put her hand on Tristam’s shoulder. When he turned, he saw Iseult smiling with sweetness. Tristam took her hand and he said:

“ Oh Iseult, you are the most beautiful girl that I’ve ever seen. Your hair are so beautiful, your eyes are more precious

than diamonds and pearls, your lips are fresh rose and your smile reflects the kindness of your soul, and no women is like you. Oh Iseult I’m in love with you!”

Iseult replied:

“ Oh Tristam, so am I!”

In the end, Tristam said:

“ You are the woman that I want marry!”

Touched, Iseult held him and Tristam kissed her. When they got kissing, they felt a shiver crossing them. They were so in love.

So, their love story started…

martedì 12 maggio 2009

Chapter 1 Iseult met Tristam”

Once upon a time there was in London a girl named Iseult. Iseult was a beautiful girl, with long blond hair and big blue eyes that exalted her pale skin. She wasn’t married yet, so her father was looking for a husband for her. In the meantime, he was looking court Tristam arrived, a young charming man. His face was clean, with two big green eyes, full lips and a chin rather round. His face was sheltered with a slight shave. He was tall and muscular. He approached to the King, Iseult’s father, and the King said:
“ Tristam I heard you are the best knight, and the bravest. Is it true?”
Tristam replied:
“ the King will say by himself!”
In the meantime, Iseult arrived, wearing smart dresses. Suddenly Iseult’s eyes met Tristam’s eyes and she felt strange: her heart was beating a lot and a shiver crossed her. Tristam approached her and he kneel down and he said:
“ Your charme is amazing, princess.”
Iseult smiled to him and she felt embarrassed. The King arrived and exclaimed:
“ Yes, oh father! Can I show him the castle?”
The father said:
“ Yes, you can show him his bedroom.”
Iseult led Tristam to his room, that was in the end of corridor. All of sudden, Tristam said:
“ Will I be delighted to see you again?”
She replied:
“ I will be happy to meet you again. But now I must go”
Tristam stopped her and said:
“ Wait! I must tell you an important thing. Tomorrow at dawn I’ll wait you in the garden of the castle. I hope you’ll come.”At the sunrise Iseult woke up very fast and she ran in to the garden. She saw Tristam sitting in the grass. Iseult sat near him, and she put her hand on Tristam’s shoulder. When he turned, he saw Iseult smiling with sweetness. Tristam took her hand and he said:
“ Oh Iseult, you are the most beautiful girl that I’ve ever seen. Your hair are so beautiful, your eyes are more precious than diamonds and pearls, your lips are fresh rose and your smile reflects the kindness of your soul, and no women is like you. Oh Iseult I’m in love with you!”
Iseult replied:
“ Oh Tristam, so am I!”
In the end, Tristam said:
“ You are the woman that I want marry!”
Touched, Iseult held him and Tristam kissed her. When they got kissing, they felt a shiver crossing them. They were so in love. So, their love story started…

Our romance: Tristan and Isault

From the past to the Present as for magic


Tristam: a knight
Iseult: the princess
The king: Iseult’s father
Rottbarth: the cruel knight
Remigius: the absent – minded magician
Lord John Tower:a noble man who lives in Venice
The dragon:Remigius’ helper
Zara: Tristam’shelper
Don Faz: thepriest


London (in the past and in the present)
Venice (in the past and in the present)

The past: XIII century
The present: 2009

Chapter 1 – Iseult met Tristam
Chapter 2 – The beginning of the love story
Chapter 3 - “I can’t standTristam!”
Chapter 4 – A plan to kill Tristam
Chapter 5 – All together in Venice
Chapter 6 – Remigius made a mistake
Chapter 7 – Suddenly they were in London…
Chapter 8 – Rottbarth and Remigius arrived…
Chapter 9 – Remigius remembered the magic
Chapter 10 – The marriage
Chapter 11 – Tristam met Zara
Chapter 12 – Looking for Iseult
Chapter 13 – Finally, the peace!


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Romance: from middle age to our days

Ecco quet che le carte empton di sogni,
Lancliotto, Tristano e gil altri erranti,
Onde conven che il voigo errante agogni.

our class

our class

Ist step Introduction



· E mails

· PPt presentation about their country and local reality

· Chat session (after the first contacts)

2nd step web quest

Students investigate the web quest and make a web quest about middle age – website review

The desired outcome of this Quest upon the Web is that you, the student, will have gained knowledge of Middle age, been enriched by having read one of the classic romances of all time.

You will be part of a group of four who will work together in order to complete the tasks. Each group member will accept one role, do all the research needed for that role, and teach the others in your group the knowledge you have gained. The final project will be to creatively present to the class what you have learned. This may be done by combining your individual work into a display or presentation, or you may wish to be creative and do something entirely different. Whatever the case, working together is essential.

Enjoy your tasks and the role you choose

The Process

The Knight

This task, should you choose to accept, is to discover what it was like to be a knight in this period. Find out what his typical day was like, his hobbies . Show it in a 2 page paper or ppt

The everyday man

You will need to find out how someone lived in a village or in a town (choose two or three of the topics offered). Learn what type of food was served; what was the popular entertainment; what were the roles of men and women. After collecting your information, write a two page paper comparing your life as a student in the 21st century to what your life would have been like in that period.

The Historian

As an historian, if this is your choice of roles, you have a longing to find out as much as you can about the historical background of the country you have chosen ..

The Student

You task is to find out about the intellectuals of that

Period and their audience.

Then you have to prepare a set of 15 questions your friends and you are likely to answer.

3rd step romances investigation

Students investigate romances and describe/discuss what they are after having already investigated it with their Italian and history teachers.

4th step production

Students create their own modern day or traditional romance – exchange work between schools.(interaction)

The written romance could be sent to - a website for young people to submit their written work and get it published online

5th step: being more and more creative

they create a story for children or a video

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